Articles on: Using ReachOut.Ai

Advanced Settings - Duplicated Entries / Budget / Schedule

"Allow Duplicate Entries" Option

The "Allow duplicate entries" option is a feature that you can enable in ReachOut.AI that allows you to generate videos for the same email address in multiple campaigns. By default, ReachOut.AI allows duplicate videos from being generated for the same email address in the same campaign. If you keep the "Allow duplicate entries" option enabled, ReachOut.AI will generate a new video, even if the email address has already been used in the same campaign.

When should I use the "Allow duplicate entries" option?

You might want to use the "Allow duplicate entries" option if you're running multiple campaigns that target the same audience, and you want each campaign to have its own unique video. This can be useful if you're promoting different products or services, or if you're trying to convey a different message to the same audience.

How does the "Allow duplicate entries" option work?

When you enable the "Allow duplicate entries" option, ReachOut.AI will generate a new video, even if the email address has already been used in a previous campaign. This means that if you have a campaign running for a particular audience, and you enable the "Allow duplicate entries" option, each person in that audience will receive a unique video for each campaign that you run.

Note that if you have the "Allow duplicate entries" option enabled, it's possible that some people may receive multiple videos for the same campaign.

To enable the "Allow duplicate entries" option, simply check the box next to it when you're setting up your campaign. If you want to disable it, simply uncheck the box.

In summary, the "Allow duplicate entries" option is a useful feature that allows you to generate unique videos for each campaign, even if the email address has already been used in a previous campaign. This can be useful if you're targeting the same audience with multiple campaigns, and you want each campaign to have its own unique video.To use the "Allow Duplicate Entries" feature, you need to access the Campaign settings. Under the "Advanced Settings" tab, you will find the "Allow Duplicate Entries" option. By default, it is set to "Off," but you can enable it by clicking on the toggle button.

Setting a Budget for the Campaign & Customizing the Campaign Schedule

Once you have enabled the "Allow Duplicate Entries" feature, you can set a budget for your campaign. This includes the total number of credits you want to spend on the campaign and how many credits you want to spend per day. This will help you manage your campaign expenses and ensure that you don't exceed your budget.

Another important aspect of your campaign is its schedule. You can customize it by setting a start and end date and time using the scheduler option. This will ensure that your campaign is running at the right time and is not overlapping with other campaigns.

Updated on: 17/04/2023

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